Common Orthodontic Issues

Crowding of the teeth: Not enough space for the teeth to align ideally

crowding of the teeth beforeBefore
crowding of the teeth afterAfter
crowding of the teeth beforeBefore
crowding of the teeth afterAfter
crowding of the teeth beforeBefore
crowding of the teeth afterAfter

Open bite: Front teeth don't touch

open bite beforeBefore
open bite afterAfter
open bite beforeBefore
open bite afterAfter

Open bite & space

open bite beforeBefore
open bite afterAfter

Deep overbite: Top teeth overlap lower teeth too much

deep overbite beforeBefore
deep overbite afterAfter

Deep overbite & crowding

deep overbite beforeBefore
deep overbite afterAfter

Super deep overbite

deep overbite beforeBefore
deep overbite afterAfter

Underbite: Lower front teeth fit in front of upper teeth

underbite beforeBefore
underbite afterAfter

Spacing of teeth: Spaces between teeth

spacing of teeth beforeBefore
spacing of teeth afterAfter

Phase-One: Treatment when some baby teeth are still present

phase 1 beforeBefore
phase 1 afterAfter

High canines

high canines beforeBefore
high canines afterAfter

Anterior crossbite

anterior crossbite beforeBefore
anterior crossbite afterAfter
anterior crossbite beforeBefore
anterior crossbite afterAfter
anterior crossbite beforeBefore
anterior crossbite afterAfter
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